In client-server architecture, the modes of interaction between the client and the server are primarily two-fold. They are namely Push and Pull. Generally, the server is understood to be passive, where the interaction is initiated from the side of the client, making the client the active party. Whenever the client wants, the client will poke the server saying hey, are you up? and the server will keep an ear on the line listening to such hey! messages. This is known as pull-messaging. But this is not the case, when the server wants to notify the client when there is a specific event occurred on the side of the server. These events are sent, or pushed to the client as they occur. This is the reason why we employ Server-Sent Events in the first place.

According to Wikipedia’s page,

Server-Sent Events is a standard describing how servers can initiate data transmission towards clients once an initial client connection has been established. They are commonly used to send message updates or continuous data streams to a browser client and designed to enhance native, cross-browser streaming through a JavaScript API called EventSource, through which a client requests a particular URL in order to receive an event stream.

Standard Client-Server Interaction

The above diagram depicts the difference between the two. In fact in server-sent events, the initial connection is again requested by the client. This could be achieved for instance using EventSource in JavaScript. Server-sent events differ from Web Sockets as Server-Sent Events are uni-directional while Web Sockets are bi-directional. That means Server-Sent Events, as the name implies are on the direction of Server -> Client but not the other way around.

Server-Sent Events with Spring

The famous Spring Framework provides support for reactive-stack web applications to run on non-blocking servers such as Netty and Undertow, with Spring Webflux. This is a popular library among developers for its streaming capability and so forth. We will be using Webflux to create a streaming API. Let’s get started.

This demo mainly comprises of two services which are integrated with streams over HTTP.

  1. EventEmitter - This is the origin of events. This will also have a standard HTTP endpoing which is not streaming data.
  2. EventConsumerProxy - This is the service that is acting as a proxy. This consumes both the streaming and non-streaming endpoints from the EventEmitter and provides two streaming endpoints, one for each.

In the EventEmitter, there is a controller EventEmitterController, that has a method Flux<ServerSentEvent<String>> streamEvents() which appears as follows. Let’s break down what the statements of this method means.

    @GetMapping(path = "/stream")
    public Flux<ServerSentEvent<String>> streamEvents() {"Received request to stream events");
        return Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(2))
                .map(sequence -> {
                    try {
                        Thread.sleep(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(100, 1000));
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
                    return ServerSentEvent.<String> builder()
                            .data("SSE - " +
  • @GetMapping(...) - typical Spring controller endpoint URL mapping
  • Return type Flux<ServerSentEvent<String>> - This return is important, as it specifies the response of this endpoint would be a reactive stream of data with the content type text/event-stream
  • Construction of the ServerSentEvent - The SSE object is created using the builder specified in the said class.

In addition, there is a Thread.sleep(...) that adds a random delay to this event generation. This is to mimic the random behaviour of event generation. When this endpoint is accessed with http://localhost:8099/stream in a web browser, the result would be as follows.

data:SSE - 2021-02-11T22:29:57.493093900

data:SSE - 2021-02-11T22:29:59.896589400

data:SSE - 2021-02-11T22:30:02.135695500

data:SSE - 2021-02-11T22:30:03.512121300

data:SSE - 2021-02-11T22:30:05.739262100

data:SSE - 2021-02-11T22:30:07.930640900

The EventConsumerProxy is intended to act as an intermediary, which creates a stream by consuming the stream from the EventEmitter. To access the EventEmitter over HTTP, EventConsumerProxy has a service `EventService, which is written as follows.

public class EventService {
    private final WebClient client;

    public EventService() {
        client = WebClient.create("http://localhost:8099");

    public Flux<ServerSentEvent<String>> consumeStream() {
        ParameterizedTypeReference<ServerSentEvent<String>> type = new ParameterizedTypeReference<>() {};

        return client.get()

    public Flux<SomeDTO> createStream() {
        ParameterizedTypeReference<SomeDTO> type = new ParameterizedTypeReference<>() {};

        return client.get()

This class

  • employs WebClient which is a Non-blocking, reactive client to perform HTTP requests, exposing a fluent, reactive API over underlying HTTP client libraries such as Reactor Netty.
  • has Flux<ServerSentEvent<String>> consumeStream(), that the webClient instance accesses the EventEmitter and creates the stream of events.
    • .accept(MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM) - Sets the expected content type. Notice the accept type is set to text/event-stream.
    • .bodyToFlux(type) - Creates a Flux of type type, which is a ParameterizedTypeReference of type ServerSentEvent.

This service is consumed by EventController. Notice the use of the map(Function<? super T,? extends V> mapper) method to map the stream items into a new stream of ServerSentEvents which are based on the origin EventEmitter.

    @GetMapping(path = "/stream")
    public Flux<ServerSentEvent<String>> streamEvents() {"Received request to stream events");
        return eventService.consumeStream()
                .map(s -> {
          "DATA: {}",;
                    return ServerSentEvent.<String> builder()
                            .id("PROXY::" + Optional.ofNullable("UNKNOWN_ID"))
                            .event("PROXY::" + Optional.ofNullable(s.event()).orElse("UNKNOWN_EVENT"))
                            .data("PROXY::" +

When this endpoint is accessed with http://localhost:8088/stream in a web browser, the result would be as follows.

data:PROXY::SSE - 2021-02-11T22:30:56.395588800

data:PROXY::SSE - 2021-02-11T22:30:58.741941900

data:PROXY::SSE - 2021-02-11T22:31:00.987860

data:PROXY::SSE - 2021-02-11T22:31:02.383951

data:PROXY::SSE - 2021-02-11T22:31:04.744465

data:PROXY::SSE - 2021-02-11T22:31:06.507792900

When the result streams are compared, it is evident that the EventConsumerProxy is actually routing the streamed response from EventEmitter.

    public Flux<SomeDTO> createStream() {
        ParameterizedTypeReference<SomeDTO> type = new ParameterizedTypeReference<>() {};

        return client.get()

In the above snippet of EventService, the method Flux<SomeDTO> createStream() repeatedly consumes a typical REST endpoint that provides application/json in evey 1 second, creating a stream. This is particularly useful as a method of pinging a source for updates. Notice

  • the use of .delaySubscription(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) delaying access to the endpoint by 1 second
  • the use of repeat() which plays the same HTTP request repeatedly, that which creates a stream of updates.

a final note…

Server-Sent Events has its own merits and demerits. For merits

  • it uses HTTP, so supporting this is trivial
  • it can be poly-filled (using something like JS) to “backport” to browsers with no support
  • has reconnect and event ID built-in
  • it is particularly useful in the cases where there are one-way server originated communication requirements (e.g. live updates to stock prices)

However, these could be achieved only within the following constraints/limitations

  • SSE is limited to UTF-8; no support binary data
  • SSE is having an imposed limitation on maximum number of concurrent connections. This can be particularly hindering when opening multiple tabs as the limit is per browser and set to a very low number (about 6, 100 by default with HTTP/2 and HTTP/3)

That’s it for this one lads. Feel free to drop a comment below. Happy coding!
