When learning about Abstract Data Types (ADTs), Stack is a good place to start at, as it will further clarify/clear off your misty picture on what ADTs really are.

All of us have seen the CD bulk at some point in our life.

CD Bulk

This is the easiest and the most prominent form of a Stack. You can observe the following properties here.

  • Only one opening at the top. That’s all where you can put in and get out things.
  • Whatever the last item that has put in (LAST-IN), comes out first (FIRST-OUT), hence LIFO.
  • Traversal Order will be the reverse order of insertion.

This could be visualized in general as follows.

CD Bulk

Illustration of a Stack (Image Courtesy Tutorials Point)

Stack type has the following signatures of operations over it.

  • void push(T item):- To put an item into the stack
  • T pop():- To get the top most item out of the stack (i.e. item is removed from the stack)
  • T peek():- To get the top most item of the stack (i.e. item is not removed from the stack)
  • boolean isFull():- To check if the stack is empty. This is required for popping a stack as trying to pop and empty stack won’t make sense.
  • boolean isEmpty():- To check if the stack is full. This method is only required for the cases where we are using a core data structure (such as an array) which is strict in size (e.g. arrays in C# and Java).

Now that we have figured the operations, let’s try to implement this. I have taken the liberty of using C# language for implementation. If you are interested, you may read this Medium blog, to see some other implementations of stack. Also, the following assumptions/preconditions are set for this implementation.

  • This stack can hold only to integer values (C#’s type int )
  • The underlying data structure used here in this implementation is C#’s array. Of course this could be implemented with LinkedList as well. That will be much more flexible than the array-based implementation.

Implementing a stack based on an array is quite straight forward. All we need is a pointer named top , which will be an integer holding onto the index of the array, that has the item that is treated as the current top most item of the stack. We simply manipulate the value of top by the methods, push() , pop() and peek().

  • top is initially set to -1.
  • Whenever a new item needs to be pushed to the stack, increase top by 1, and set array[top] to the new value to be added. This is what we need to do in our push() operation implementation. This cannot be done beyond the point where the value of top is array.Length - 1.
  • Whenever the stack is popped, we will get the value at array[top] and then decrease top by 1. This cannot be done beyond the point where the value of top is -1.
  • Whenever we want to peek at the top of the stack, we just return the value in the array at array[top].
  • Actual content of the stack is the items in the array that are in the range 0 and top .

The Interface for Stack :: IStack

We can define an initial interface that sets the contract for a stack implementation. This will be as follows.

interface IStack {
    void Push(int value);
    int Pop();
    int Peek();
    bool IsFull();
    bool IsEmpty();

Then, let’s define a class that agrees to this contract.

class Stack : IStack {
    private int[] array;
    private int top; public Stack(int size) {
        this.array = new int[size];
        top = -1;
    // Method implementations

When initializing the stack,

  • Size of the stack should be specified in the constructor parameter size . This will be the initialization size of the core array .
  • top should be initialized to -1. This is the floor value that top can have. The ceiling value of top will be size - 1 .

Each method implementation will take the shape as follows.

public void Push(int value) {
    if(this.IsFull()) { //Check if the stack is full
        throw new SystemException("Stack is already full!"); // Will not try to add new items
    this.array[++top] = value;

public int Pop() {
    if(this.IsEmpty()) { // Check if the stack is empty
        throw new SystemException("Stack is empty!"); // Will not try to remove the top most item from the stack
    } return this.array[top--];

public int Peek() {
    if(this.IsEmpty()) { // Check if the stack is empty
        throw new SystemException("Stack is empty!"); // Will not try to get the top most item from the stack
    } return this.array[top];

We need two additional methods to verify if the top value stays within the boundaries. These are as follows.

public bool IsFull() {
    return (this.array.Length - 1) == this.top;

public bool IsEmpty() {
    return this.top == -1;

That’s it! Now we have a usable stack. We can verify the execution by follows.

Stack stack1 = new Stack(3);
stack1.ShowStack(); //Throws the SystemException

I also have implemented a non-standard method ShowStack() to display the stack in the terminal. This will give us the following result in the terminal.

|  |
|  |
|  |
Unhandled Exception:
System.SystemException: Stack is already full!
  at Stack.Push (System.Int32 value) [0x0000b] in <6575c48c03074e1789a42989f3c57445>:0 
  at StackDemo.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00031] in <6575c48c03074e1789a42989f3c57445>:0 
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.SystemException: Stack is already full!
  at Stack.Push (System.Int32 value) [0x0000b] in <6575c48c03074e1789a42989f3c57445>:0 
  at StackDemo.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00031] in <6575c48c03074e1789a42989f3c57445>:0

You can see that when we try to push to a stack which is already full, we get the intended exception thrown with message Stack is already full! .

That’s pretty much it. I will later on include the same implementation improved with the use of Generics. Happy coding!